Friday, August 7, 2009

Of politics

Admittedly, I've never really been interested in politics. Call me apathetic, I just couldn't really bring myself to care back then. But things have changed. Not drastically though but they did change. I guess it has something to do with the university after all, after almost 4 years of having been in this university, I guess some of its ideology have rubbed off on me. I'm not saying that I'm going to join the rallies any time soon (maybe I will someday, but that's another topic all together) but I guess I've learned first-hand that politics is not something that I can ignore forever. The government isn't something that isn't any of my business. I used to think that I'm not going to be affected by this whole government shiznit, like it's their business, not mine.

The way things are in our country right now, it's really disheartening , to say the least.